If there were bugs in the soft ware, the odds are that they threw the election to the wrong candidate. An Orlando Sentinel examination of other votes cast by those who supposedly failed to cast a vote in the congressional race shows that they strongly favoured Democrats, and Buchanan won the official count by only 369 votes. The fact that Buchanan won a recount – that is, a recount of the votes the machines happened to record – means nothing.
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
An IIPM And Management Guru Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri’s Initiative
Thursday, December 28, 2006
And now we are all going bananas!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
It’s all about money
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Letter from the Chairman
I really appreciate the recognition given to our efforts on innovation, I thank 4Ps B&M and Planman Media for bestowing This honour on me and Kingfisher.
Dr. Vijay Mallya, Chairman, UB Group
Retail development indicates economic development as well!
Refer your cover feature in Vol 1, Issue 18, ‘Indian Retail wars’. It was a good read about the various business houses foraying into the retail sector. But more surprising is the fact that the organized retail sector after all the talk that we have in various media accounts only to a meager 3% of total retail sector. Personally, I believe that the development in retail sector and all the hyper-marts et al are a positive and visible indicator towards infrastructural and economic development. However, the sad part of such development is that the businesses are concetrated on catering to the high-end consumer segment rather than the masses. Perhaps that’s the reason which will also hinder the growth of organized retail sector. Though I am not an expert, I would suggest that these retail giants must strategically focus and commit towards serving the masses of India for, it is a segment with great potential, which is all extracted by the unorganized retailers alone. Innovative strategies and solutions need to be designed to tap this particular segment as well, big time.
Aryan Paul, Lucknow
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
... when many other regions have progressed on to get branded as ‘First World’!
A persuasive explanation for the decline of faith in existing democratic institutions has been offered by Argentine political scientist Atilio Boron, who observed that the new wave of democratization in Latin America coincided with externally mandated economic “reforms” that undermine effective democracy.
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Thursday, October 26, 2006
O2 or O250 ???

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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Monday, October 09, 2006
For this, you have not focused on the ‘sit & dine’ segment?
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Saturday, September 23, 2006
“Plasma TV prices globally are going down”
With competition, prices too are plummeting. Points ViewSonic’s Ghosh, “Plasma TV prices globally are going down,” but “if you are buying a new TV, it is recommended to pick an LCD. But not to hurry up the purchase, as prices next year are expected to drop by 50%!” LG & Sharp though project a price drop of only 20% to 30%.
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Monday, September 18, 2006
“Nowadays, it takes one night for consignments to reach Chennai.”
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Friday, September 15, 2006
Sare jahan se (nahi) accha...

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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Louis Vuitton Malletier
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Friday, September 08, 2006
Certainly, unless the international community resolves to take concrete action

Israel claims its actions in Gaza and Lebanon are designed to safeguard its own security. However, indiscriminate use of force and continued occupation will never give Israel the lasting security. The response to Hezbollah’s initial aggression, as well as Israel’s military response in Gaza, is disproportionate. The devastation in Lebanon will take generations to repair, not only materially, but also psychologically. Hezbollah, which claims it is fighting for Lebanese independence and sovereignty, also bears responsibility for unacceptable aggression, placing the lives of innocent Israelis and Lebanese at stake.
We are convinced that the way these policies are currently being carried out will only serve to deepen mistrust, heighten polarisation and embed deeprooted hatred between neighbours who just have got to learn to live with each other. A military solution is not a viable option. War is only strengthening the hand of those who regard terror as the only eff ective weapon, thereby creating a breeding ground for even more violence, insecurity and extremism across the Middle East. With the moderates now being marginalized, the long-term effect will be to undermine all democratization efforts in the region.
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
who were chatting in an “Arabian language”

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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
i-fl ex’s acquisition fits in with its vision for risk & compliance services
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Friday, September 01, 2006
Toh Insan phone leta kyon hai?...:- A. Khan defends Indicom’s punchlines...

Being a part of the legendary Rs.76,929 crore Tata group comes with a great responsibility of living up to the reputation of the parent group. Four years in the fray and Tata Indicom seems to be taking the legacy forward with elan – in true Tata style. Incorporated in 1996, Tata Teleservices (TTSL) pioneered CDMA mobile services in India; and the true saga perhaps started in 2002, when the company acquired a majority stake in Hughes Telecom (India) and launched itself into top gear. Today, though it is still not number one overall, it is one of the leading players and has carefully cemented its place in the minds of the customers with an array of services. Spearheading the excitement behind the company’s marketing initiatives and on a mission to transform Tata Indicom into being the telecom leader is Abdul Khan, VP & Head-Marketing, TTSL. In a tête-à -tête with 4Ps B&M, Khan unveils the making of Brand Tata Indicom. Excerpts from the interview...
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Wednesday, August 30, 2006

If over-indulged, it’s as good (or bad) as any of the seven vices from the Book. And like most sins, it’s sheer pleasure. Even stress busting, they say. In fact, it is probably one of the ideas of recreation in our lives chock-a-block with hair-raising schedules and challenging routines. And like all good things that come for a price, this one does too… literally! For sure, by now, you’ve guessed it and almost tempted to get on with it – shopping!!
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial
Visit also:- IIPM Publication, Business & Economy & Arindam Chaudhuri Initiative
Thursday, August 24, 2006
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
A chilled treat from Ben & Jerry’s

Ben & Jerry’s is all set to serve its British customers with 150 ml and 500 ml tubs of fair-trade ice cream (a certification that the farmers were paid the right price for their harvest). The ice cream will be stocked in co- operative stores and also in branches of Britain’s third largest super market, Sainsbury’s. The ice cream will also reach customers in Ireland, Belgium & Netherlands foraying into other countries later. The motive is to boost Britain’s fairtrade food market. In comparison to last year food articles carrying fair trade logo saw a 40% jump in sales to $366.23 million
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Contour technology jumps miles ahead of its contemporaries, and promises to change the face of animation
This mind moving latest technology on the block is called “Contour,” which creates digital copies of various human actions and reactions. These digital reproductions help create highly realistic animated characters by controlling and reproducing innumerable facial expressions and body movements. But hey, so what? Hasn’t the motion picture industry doing similar stuff till now? Definitely not! Till date, film and video game developers have been using ‘motion-capture’ technology to add a realistic touch to digitally animated human characters. The technology uses sensors to monitor movements of the actors dressed in specially designed suits. But these sensors cannot gather enough data in the limited time to make images appear realistic enough. So, though digitally animated human characters have been created in movies like Matrix and Polar Express, the inefficiency of motion capture has stymied accurate portrayal of the infinite human expressions.
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri
Companies are scrapping pension plans; social security is in dire straits
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
India could witness a mammoth surge of FDI - IIPM Publication
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Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Thursday, August 10, 2006
hey, where’d it go?
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri
Monday, July 31, 2006
Secrets of the World’s Healthiest and Oldest Living People

For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri
Friday, June 23, 2006
Morda, it’s a rip off !
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006, Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri
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Thursday, June 15, 2006
‘Newly married’

Strange are the ways of life, I thought, which slowly unfolds the secrets, eventually taking us to the path one is destined for. Good that the future is not revealed, for it enables one to at least cherish the evanescent moments of the present.
For complete IIPM article click here
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006 Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Making sense of senses
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Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Friday, May 05, 2006
Priya Cinema in Vasant Vihar
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Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Monday, April 17, 2006
Air India has the competent skills (IIPM Publication)
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Friday, April 14, 2006
Bush stamp of policy - IIPM Publication
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Source- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Policies have left hundreds of millions of people desperately poor and hungry - IIPM News
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Publication and Research, IIPM
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Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
Publication and Research, IIPM
Publication and Research, IIPM
Publication and Research, IIPM
A dissent to your dissent, Mr. Landis (IIPM Publication)
Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006
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