Israel claims its actions in Gaza and Lebanon are designed to safeguard its own security. However, indiscriminate use of force and continued occupation will never give Israel the lasting security. The response to Hezbollah’s initial aggression, as well as Israel’s military response in Gaza, is disproportionate. The devastation in Lebanon will take generations to repair, not only materially, but also psychologically. Hezbollah, which claims it is fighting for Lebanese independence and sovereignty, also bears responsibility for unacceptable aggression, placing the lives of innocent Israelis and Lebanese at stake.
We are convinced that the way these policies are currently being carried out will only serve to deepen mistrust, heighten polarisation and embed deeprooted hatred between neighbours who just have got to learn to live with each other. A military solution is not a viable option. War is only strengthening the hand of those who regard terror as the only eff ective weapon, thereby creating a breeding ground for even more violence, insecurity and extremism across the Middle East. With the moderates now being marginalized, the long-term effect will be to undermine all democratization efforts in the region.
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Source:- IIPM Editorial
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