Friday, June 23, 2006

Morda, it’s a rip off !

But here lies the other view. In lieu of reducing the original Arcelor shareholders’ stake by 32% (due to the issue of new shares to Mordashov), as compensation, the new Arcelor will actually pay back to shareholders €7.6 billion – a cash amount equivalent to a soul stupefying 1,316% more than the value of an old Arcelor share (as on January 26, 2006). This is unheard of in modern corporate history of shareholders’ wealth maximisation. If one were to go just by shareholders’ wealth as the factor (and this should be the standard for all modern business corporations), Guy Dolle of Arcelor couldn’t have hit upon a better Russian to rip off ! And seriously speaking, Guy Dolle needn’t even have paid so much to convince his shareholders. But for the sake of records, Guy Dolle will remain our hero, wisecracks notwithstanding!

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial, 2006, Editor:- Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri

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