Thursday, January 11, 2007

The book that defined the basics of BPR!

No doubt, a blind adherence to tried and tested processes can only lead a corporation to mediocre achievements at best. But to blindly throw out processes and structures, in an insane dash towards ‘dramatic improvements’ is nothing short of ludicrous. Perhaps Champy & Hammer could well learn from brilliant economists like Schumpeter and strategy stalwarts like Harvard’s Christiansen, Raynor and Scott Anthony, who, through their respective theories of ‘creative destruction’ and ‘disruptive innovation’, have relentlessly proved how it is a belief in ‘planned change’, rather than in a slavish harebrained pursuit, that can create dramatic improvements. Clearly, BPR is flawed by its very definition. But hey, does it really matter to firms like CSC Index, who would have played truant with the future of innumerable corporations and destroyed the wealth of innumerable shareholders? Perhaps not, as one wonders why BPR, for so many years, has sounded frighteningly similar to ‘Big PR’. Or has it been just a coincidence? Burp… Run bro’, the beast is just round the corner!

For complete IIPM article click here

Source:- IIPM Editorial

An IIPM And Management Guru Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri’s Initiative