Monday, October 15, 2007

The new poster economy

From market development to encouragement of scientific ROMANIA& technological research, all prospective issues are targeted at & are experiencing radical reforms. Romania enjoys its development predominantly because of its fiscal and trade policies & has emerged as one of the most viable place for international trade. The reforms have boosted its GDP (PPP) per capita to $9100 & an employment rate to 92.1%.

It immensely benefits from the size of the market, robust manufacturing sector & ever increasing role of private sector. The developmental model had underpinned the development of less developed states & prevented uprising of regional disparities. All of this makes Romanian growth story, a recommend reading in the global development literature in times to come.
For Complete IIPM Article, Click on IIPM Article

IIPM Editorial, 2006

IIPM and Management Guru Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri's Initiative